Associate/Full Member Social Ride 20th October, 2024.

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Mick Hewitt
Posts: 201
Joined: Thu Apr 25, 2019 5:57 pm

Associate/Full Member Social Ride 20th October, 2024.

Post by Mick Hewitt »

Hi all
Please join us for October's social ride - destination Dobbies Garden Centre, Rougham Road, Bury St. Edmunds. IP33 2RN.

NOTE: CANCELLATION: If weather forecast conditions bad, then will advise of cancellation by 6pm Saturday based on the overall conditions in forecast - e.g. 5 degrees or below with chance of freezing. Note: we've experienced conditions below this temp in micro climates/areas sheltered by trees causing freezing patches.

Note: Colin's Full Member ride is also starting at Sainsbury's same time. He'll be parked opposite the petrol station and I'll be at the back end of car park.

No need to book, just turn up and enjoy the ride. Open to all EAMG paid up members (Associates and Full Members).
Note: If you have a friend interested in joining EAMG, then they can come along as a guest on the ride as long as they confirm with me first. Thanks.

Meet: Sainsbury's Springfield (CM2 5PA).
Time: 09:00 for 09:30 prompt departure.
Full tank of fuel - fuel available Sainsburys but no toilets. Toilets are at the BP garage Boreham interchange.
Distance: About 103 miles round trip - Approx.
Finish at MacD Regiment Way for coffee - about 14:30.

Please check your machine is fully checked:
PETROL - full tank for journey.
OIL - check engine/brake fluid levels. Also look for oil leaks.
WATER - check coolant level.
ELECTRICS - check all lights operate / horn / warning lights.
RUBBER - check TYRE pressures as advised in your manual. Check tread depth - law says 1mm (on wear tab) around the whole circumference. Note: plan to change before this as the braking/grip levels reduce drastically as the tyre reaches the minimum legal requirement.
STEERING - check no fouling of cables side to side.
BRAKES - Check pads for wear, or ask your observer if your unsure.
EQUIPMENT - check box/panniers secure and no straps hanging.
SUSPENSION - check the legs for leaks - look for oil film near seals. Visual check on rear.
TRANSMISSION - engine oil also lubricates gearbox - in nearly all cases. CHECK YOUR CHAIN - IT MUST BE LUBRICATED AND ADJUSTED CORRECTLY AND ALSO FIT FOR PURPOSE. Any doubts visit your bike shop or ask an Observer.

Looking forward to it.
Mick, Alan and Dave - please add mobiles to your contacts.
07762 889408 / 07760 452993 / 07752 431380
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